The farmers' announcement of exodus to Delhi could not be successful. There was commotion throughout the day on Friday at the Shambhu border near Ambala in Haryana. Here the farmers demolished the barricades. In retaliatory action, the police also fired tear gas shells on the farmers. However, during this chaos, the peasants could not advance beyond the border and retreated again. It is being claimed that six farmers have also been injured during this. On the other hand, the farmers did not go to Delhi on Saturday, but on December 8, i.e., tomorrow, a batch of 101 farmers will again march towards Delhi.
Farmer protest leader Sarwan Singh Pandher announced during a press conference that 20 to 25 people were injured yesterday during the Haryana Police operation, with some individuals not seeking hospital treatment. He stated that tomorrow at 12 o’clock, as before, a group of 101 farmers will march towards Delhi. Pandher highlighted during the press conference that they neither possess weapons nor intend to carry any. He clarified that there was no discussion about using tractor trolleys, as the group will proceed on foot.
Now the union minister is saying that we are talking, but nothing is happening with us. Sarwan Singh Pandher made a big announcement and said that tomorrow our new batch will go to Haryana. Kisan Majdoor Ekta Zindabad!
The farmers have made a significant announcement about their departure from Delhi.
December 08, 2024