The farmers' announcement of exodus to Delhi could not be successful. On Friday, there was commotion at the Shambhu border in Haryana, close to Ambala, for the entire day long. Here the farmers demolished the barricades. In retaliatory action, the police also fired tear gas shells on the farmers. However, during this chaos, the peasants could not advance beyond the border and retreated again. It is being claimed that six farmers have also been injured during this. On the other hand, now the farmers will not go to Delhi on Saturday, but on December 8 again a group of 101 farmers will try to go to Delhi.
In fact, the farmers' leaders had announced that a group of 101 farmers would march towards Delhi on foot. However, the Haryana government did not let these farmers go ahead and Section 163 (earlier 144) was imposed in Ambala. However, the farmers were adamant about going to Delhi.On Friday, a group of 101 farmers marched in the direction of the Shambhu border at approximately 1 pm. The police began firing tear gas rounds as the farmers began removing the fencing from the Ghaggar bridge. Meanwhile, tear gas shells were fired at the farmers and 6 farmers were injured, including some elderly farmers. Farmer leader Sarwan Singh Pandher said that now the farmers will wait for talks with the government and will not march towards Delhi on Saturday. A group of 101 farmers will march towards Delhi once again after they wait till 12 p.m. on December 8.